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Openbay selected as a presenter at NAPA AutoCare Virtual conference – 2020

The theme of the NAPA AutoCare conference is “TOGETHER TOWARDS TOMORROW”.

Hosted by the NAPA AutoCare Team in Atlanta and powered by preferred partner KUKUI. This two-day event starting on July 9, 2020 will include general sessions, various breakout seminars, a tradeshow and virtual vendor booths. Shop owners attending this meeting will learn the key program elements of NAPA AutoCare and share best practices for today, as we build for tomorrow.

At 1:00 PM Eastern on July 9th, the Track B session will be hosted by Openbay. The topic presented will be: Alignment with Today’s NEW Consumer Shopping Behavior

Openbay Founder and CEO Rob Infantino will be discussing the companies advanced online chat product Openbay Otis, and how consumer expectations are changing, seemingly overnight. There are steps you as a NAPA AutoCare Member can take now to win online consumers and convert them into customers. Stay ahead of the competition now, and for the future.


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