Openbay Blog - helping you with automotive repair, maintenance, and car care tips.

Check Out This Headline: Openbay in Lifehacker!

Great news — we made the headlines in Lifehacker!

As Lifehacker’s Eric Ravenscraft wrote,

Comparison shopping for car repairs is hard when you can’t actually drag your car from one shop to another. Openbay helps solve this by getting you quotes from various shops in your area.

It looks like Eric even submitted for a wheel alignment in Atlanta through Openbay, and had received 8 quotes from local service providers; very cool.
The Lifehacker press coverage is especially thrilling, as we’ve always considered Openbay a bit of a “life hack.” Virtually every driver of any of the 250 million cars on the road has experienced some sort of car trouble, whether from a flat tire (even new cars aren’t immune to those!), an overheated radiator, a broken ball joint, or whatever. And they’ve had to perform regular maintenance — oil changes, brake pad replacement, and tire rotations.

Why We All Need This “Life Hack”

And while this is a process we all experience — or rather “endure” — it’s still really painful. Finding a quality mechanic who will perform good work on your vehicle, and at a fair price sometimes feels like finding a four-leaf clover. Openbay knows that.
We’re removing the uncertainty, the anxiety and the time-consuming nature of shopping for car repair, and bringing it into the modern world. Just as you do everything else, now you can compare, book and pay for your auto repair online, or via mobile app. Want to submit a request as you’re in bed, like Laurie did in Chicago, and find a great mechanic before noon the next day? We’ve got you covered.
Cheers to Lifehacker for picking up on what we think is a very special platform. Of course we’re biased, but it’s true! If you agree that Openbay is a great concept, please spread the word, and consider sharing this Lifehacker piece. It’s made our week.
Drive safely! 

Howard, a driver in MA, read about Openbay in Lifehacker, and tried it out himself.  Do you want to take us for a spin?

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