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Your Facebook Business Page Now Able to Generate Automotive Service Quotes for Customers

Take your Facebook Page to the next level with Openbay Profile

When you first created your Facebook Page for your business, you had high hopes to capture more drivers (customers) seeking automotive services in your area. You posted pictures of your shop. You asked customers to “share”, “like”, and “comment” on each picture or video you posted with the goal of creating more awareness for the shop. Sure, it worked for a while, but now Facebook users expect more from your Facebook Page. 
Your customers, your prospects, your visitors want to interact with your Facebook Page. They want to ask questions around a specific problem they are having with their vehicle. They may need advice or recommendations. In any case, they expect information in return to be relevant to the problem they are trying to solve or information they are seeking. Taking it a step further, they expect personalized information addressing their need for information.
Our recommendation is to be responsive to their questions as soon as humanly possible. For visitors seeking very precise information such as requesting a specific automotive service for their year-make-model, your Facebook Page should be able to respond automatically to their request. Not possible you say, well, we have some good news for you.

New: Announcing Facebook Page Integration

Openbay recently released Openbay Profile, an online business profile page allowing shops to expand their digital footprint and interact with an online customer without any manual intervention. Openbay Profile allows a user to generate a request for service online and receive detailed pricing information in return; Parts, labor and taxes. Here is more detail on Openbay Profile.
Now, Openbay Profile can now be integrated with your Facebook page, turning a static Facebook Page into an interactive one. 
What does this mean? Customers / visitors to your Facebook Page are able to: 

  • Generate a detailed request for automotive service directly via your Facebook Page
  • Match services requested with services your business offers
  • Tie the service request to a specific year-make-model vehicle
  • Customize the service request
  • Add as many services to a single request
  • Receive a service price quotation via email that includes parts, labor and taxes

And the best part about all of the above, your Service Advisor or the Shop Owner does not have to lift a finger to make this happen. Openbay does all this automatically for your shop. 
Here is your checklist in order to make this happen: 

  1. Facebook Page for your business 
  2. Openbay Profile for your business 
  3. Connect your Facebook Page to Openbay Profile

The following video takes you through the setup process (less than 2 minutes).
This new integration with Facebook is included free of charge with your Openbay Profile subscription.

Less than 2-minute setup: Facebook – Openbay Profile (Video)

We set up a demo site called, Trendy Transmissions so you can demo this new feature. Here is a link.
Customer using this new feature in production:  Here is a link to Direct Tire and Auto Service’s Facebook Page that is in production with this new integration.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us. We are here to help. Learn more about the Openbay or apply to become a member or both! Speak to a Openbay representative:

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