Openbay Blog - helping you with automotive repair, maintenance, and car care tips.

Auto Repair Discount: Gobble Gobble Up This Deal!

Looking for an auto repair discount before you hit the road for Thanksgiving? You’re smart.

The last thing you need is to be stranded on the side of the road, kids in the back, temps dipping, while a tow truck ambles through the other 49 million cars on the road, trying to rescue you. Sorry — did we just go to the bad place?

The good news is that many car-repair “emergencies” could be prevented. According to the Auto Care Association, roughly $60-million in auto repair goes unperformed each year. Deferring repairs and maintenance makes your vehicle more likely to experience one of those “emergencies.” A little maintenance goes a long way toward ensuring yours and your family’s safety.

Now — let’s get back to the part we can help with: the auto repair discount!

Log into your Openbay account today, and enter the promo code THANKS to receive $10 toward your next auto-repair or maintenance service. For the non-mathletes out there, that’s nearly 15% toward a $70 oil change. Or that could cover a good portion toward having some new windshield wipers installed. According to Lauren Fix, The Car Coach, “80% of your driving decisions are based on visibility, so replace your wiper blades every 6 months.”

We don’t really mind where you spend the ten bucks, but encourage you to schedule an appointment with Openbay and bring your vehicle in for a once-over before you pack into the car and head to grandma’s house. This year, if you’re brave enough to take on family politics over Thanksgiving dinner, and you’re ready for the traffic, you may as well do your part to prevent any roadside drama that you could have prevented. A flat tire, dead battery, or an overheated vehicle does not mix well with a car full of family, a food-coma, and cold weather.

Check out Openbay today to compare, book and pay for auto repair and maintenance, and remember that we give THANKS everyday for your continued support.
Drive safely!

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