Got Questions About Your Repair? Now You Can Speak to a Mechanic

When it’s time to get your vehicle serviced and you’re unsure where to take it, what’s your first step? You reach out to a trusted resource for help, most likely a friend or family member. Ideally, you’d have a friend or family member that possesses the skills of a certified automotive technician. But most of us don’t have someone like that at our beck and call. That’s all changed now.

Introducing New Features & Services to Meet Needs of All Openbay Users

Most Openbay users fall into one of two categories when it comes to repairing or maintaining their vehicle:

  • Know the exact service they need

    These customers are ready with their service information (brakes, wheel alignment, oil change, wheel bearing, 90k mile service, etc). Sometimes, they’ve already received an estimate from a repair shop.

  • Describe the problem they’re experiencing.

    These customers may not know exactly what’s wrong, but know that the car needs to get into a shop. They may have a check engine light; failed state inspection; or see, hear, or feel something unusual.

Within each of these categories, there are customers that prefer using Openbay’s web or mobile app to submit their repair on their own. There are also those that want some additional assistance above and beyond what is available online.
At Openbay, we listen to our user community and respond with solutions that better serve their needs.

NEW: Introducing Openbay Cruise Control

Cruise control is a service that allows anyone to call a mechanic for free. They’ll help you fill in your vehicle information, discuss potential repair needs (and costs!), and answer any questions you have about Openbay. Openbay users like Erika have appreciated the support of Openbay’s staff of Service Advisors, “I had someone I could turn to for questions and reassurance, if needed.”
Cars are becoming increasingly more complex. According to Forbes, millennials (especially) “just expect stuff to work and are less interested in figuring out “how” it works.”  And that’s fine, not everyone can be a car repair expert! If you’re one of these people, you can now use Openbay with ease.

Openbay Cruise Control – Call a Mechanic For Help

You may already know that Openbay can get you 10+ competitive quotes for any repair you need. You probably want to compare prices before bringing your car into the shop, too. There’s only one roadblock – you don’t know your exact vehicle engine size. Or, you know the brakes are squealing, but you’re not sure why. Or maybe you’re generally overwhelmed by all of these choices:

You may need a diagnosis either way, but wouldn’t it be nice to know a little bit more about what’s going on beforehand? Unfortunately, online forums can only offer so much help.
Whatever it is you need help with, our patient Service Advisors will be happy to lend a hand. If you need a new heater core, or just want to find a good shop for your regular oil change, don’t get overwhelmed. Try Openbay today.

Openbay Fast Lane

For those Openbay users that enjoy the old online experience, just click on Fast Lane.  You can still request a repair 24/7/365, without speaking to a soul.

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car repair and maintenance services with Openbay+

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