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Openbay Covered in Wired Magazine

Head to the news stand to pick up the October issue of Wired magazine – page 85 features apps fit for a car trip, suggesting you “let your phone ride shotgun, where it can make sure you see more sights and hit fewer roadblocks.”

Openbay is included in the road-trip app roundup. David Pierce writes this on Openbay: “If there’s no YouTube video to show you how to fix what’s wrong, this app will help you find a nearby mechanic at the right price.”

The Openbay app was in great company, included alongside these other auto-friendly apps: Waze, Roadtrippers, Foursquare, Findery, TuneIn, Overcast and Automatic.

Pick up your copy of October’s Wired today, and when it’s time to repair and maintain your vehicle, head to Openbay so you know where to go when your wheels need some attention.

Drive safely!

Openbay Staff