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National Boyfriend Day: Desperately Seeking a Mechanic Boyfriend?

The Twitterverse has just brought it to our attention that today is National Boyfriend Day. Apparently that’s an excuse to celebrate boyfriends of the romantic and platonic variety. It sounds like something we can all technically appreciate.

National Boyfriend Day reminds us of a bunch of posts we’ve seen on social media of people seeking mechanic boyfriends. We are not making this up — we know mechanics are in high demand in the job force. But if Twitter is an indicator, they’re also highly sought on the dating scene.

We get it — the average car in the U.S. is 11.6-years old. Those aging cars are in frequent need of maintenance and care, and people are looking for ways to save on auto repairs. Fixing a check engine light costs nearly $400 on average, so an illuminated dashboard causes panic for many.

Instead of heading to Openbay to find a quality mechanic, many folks take to Twitter, or maybe to fix the issue. They’re seeking a mechanic boyfriend!

Important Note

We’re sharing this phenomenon because it’s National Boyfriend Day, but aren’t endorsing the notion of dating a mechanic solely so he or she can fix your car.

There are many chores out there in the world. It doesn’t make sense to date someone based on the tasks you need to have done in your life. Openbay helps you to become an empowered consumer, so you can immediately understand your options before booking auto repair.

If you’re sick of asking others for help, Patrice Banks can relate. As she explained in her TEDx talk, one day she’d found herself opting for a manicure over an oil change, which she’d thought was funny at the time.

Now, her Girls Auto Clinic organization encourages women (and men alike) to take car care into their own hands. You can learn how to check your own oil, or understand why a well maintained vehicle is more important than dashing to your next mani/pedi. Women and men should have an equal understanding of how much can be saved, in the long run, by maintaining a vehicle.

While we fully support the notion of mechanic boyfriends, don’t make your car repairs the reason you’re looking to date a mechanic. There are easier ways to get your car repaired.  Automotive techs have lots more to offer than a well-running vehicle. Plus, they probably love what they do, and that positive attitude might make for a happier mate.

Drive safely, and the next time you face car trouble, check out Openbay. It’ll save far more time than it would for you to find a decent mate.
Plus, Openbay allows you to send text, video and photo with mechanics. Just in case you find a favorite!

Next time, find your new mechanic with Openbay!

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