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Meet Philip, Who Discovered a New Way to Book DC Auto Repair

Here’s Philip, who needed auto repair in DC, and was ready to try an alternative to his dealership. When looking around for something new, he found Openbay on Twitter. He was connected with an Openbay Recommended service center, and isn’t looking back!

DC Auto Repair via Openbay: A Convenient Alternative

Where do you live, and what type of vehicle do you drive?

I live in Washington, DC, and I drive a 2010 Nissan Altima.

How did you find Openbay?

I first saw Openbay through an ad on Twitter. I was initially interested in the idea of being able to see and compare the different mechanics in the area. I usually take my car to the dealership, but this time I wanted to explore different options.

Has Openbay delivered, as you expected?

It was better. It was so easy dealing with the local shops in Openbay’s network.

Prior to Openbay, how did you learn about repair shops near you?

I usually went to the dealership. Otherwise, I would look through the yellow book or ask my friends, who also have Nissans, where they go for service.

How did you select your service provider/shop?

I was in need of 120,000-mile scheduled maintenance. Jhingo Auto Werks had messaged me after submitting its quote, and explained to me that they would use Nissan-brand parts for my repair.  I was sold. The personal touch from the shop’s management, and their willingness to explain the service made it easy for me to trust them, and ultimately book service there.

How was the experience at the shop?

They were very friendly and informative. They told me exactly what they were doing and explained everything clearly. They seemed to follow the Nissan maintenance schedule closely, which I really appreciated. Jhingo took care of everything while I made myself comfortable. I was even able to get some work done while I waited.

Would you use Openbay again?

Absolutely. It’s so easy and convenient. And now that I’ve used Openbay before, why not return again? If it’s not broken don’t fix it, right?

If you’re ready to have an auto repair experience like Philip’s, try Openbay today!

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