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Did You Know: The Fastest Way to Get an Auto Repair Estimate

Needing car repair can be a pain. In addition to the cost, and your vehicle’s downtime, you’re unsure what you should be paying for the service. Good news: you can quickly request and receive an auto repair estimate, customized to your vehicle, through Openbay.
Here’s how it works, if you’re —

Seeking a Standard Auto Repair Estimate

Openbay immediately generates estimates for standard “menu services,” such as an oil change, AC recharge, general diagnosis, fluid flush, brake work, or a wheel alignment.

In addition to estimates for the work you’ve requested, Openbay shares other estimates generated. You can also see the costs of actual repairs performed on the same make and model. See recent work performed on Honda CR-Vs below:

Seeking a Custom Auto Repair Estimate

If you’re inquiring about a service that’s above and beyond standard auto repair menu pricing — say you need new ball joints — Openbay deploys your request to its in-house team of service advisors. The team issues custom estimates every day of the week. During the workweek, custom auto repair estimates are often delivered within the hour.
Openbay’s custom auto repair estimates include:

  • Parts costs

    Openbay researches the parts required to perform your repair work, and issues a price range. You may elect to use aftermarket parts, if you’re looking to save, or factory-spec parts, if you’re looking for the highest performance.

  • Labor rates, based on location

    Openbay issues a range typical labor rates, based on your zip code. Across the U.S., independent auto-repair labor rates range between $60-$120 per hour, with prices increasing in more costly regions.

Once you receive your auto repair estimate from Openbay, and are ready to have the repair work done, you can submit a service request. Openbay will deliver actual quotes (not just estimates) from auto repair businesses near you.

Review your quotes, and choose a shop — based on distance, ratings and reviews, and location — then schedule your appointment. Once the work is complete, pay via Openbay, and you’re good to go.

Now you know why Openbay is one of five apps that Mashable recommended every driver should download. Be sure to try Openbay today.

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