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More than 580 traffic fatalities and 66,000 injuries predicted this 4th of July holiday 2017 – Don’t become a statistic!

According to the Research & Safety Management Solutions Department of the National Safety Council, there will be more than 580 traffic fatalities from crashes during the 4th July 4.25 day holiday period in 2017. More than one fatality is too many. The Council defines the holiday period from 6:00 p.m. Friday, June 30, to 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, July 4.

Other alarming news from the same report is there will be more than 66,000 nonfatal medically consulted injuries that will result from crashes during this same holiday period. Medically consulted injuries are injuries serious enough that a medical professional was consulted and they are not comparable to previous disabling injury estimates.


How do we get these numbers down? Ideally down to ZERO.

All vehicle passengers should follow these simple rules.
  • Always “click in” before you start the car. Every passenger should wear a seat belt even if you are traveling just down the road or to the beach.
  • Make certain all child car seats are properly secured. If you are not sure how to secure a child car seat, check with your local police department for guidance. They would be more than happy to help.
  • Perform a “Roll Call” before you turn the ignition on asking for name and status of the seat belt. Have some fun with it.
  • Identify a designated driver – NO alcohol, NO drugs, and must have had plenty of sleep. We want a well rested, fully aware driver behind the wheel.
  • Avoid driving late late night or early AM after a full day of activity. Exhaustion can lead to becoming drowsy.
  • Put down those mobile phones while driving. Enough said.
  • If you have a teenager that needs a ride, have them call YOU and avoid one of their friends driving them somewhere. Teen drivers are inexperienced.
  • A well maintained vehicle is a safe vehicle. Have your vehicle inspected by a trusted automotive technician.  If you need help finding one, Openbay can help.

Enjoy the holiday. We all need a break. But please be safe behind the wheel.
Source: National Safety Council

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