Here’s Toni, who used to drive her Mustang around from shop to shop when it was time for her to book auto repair in San Diego. One Google […]
5 Signs You Need a Brake Job
Have you ever approached a stop light and wondered why your foot’s traveling farther down toward the floor as you braked? Looks like you need a brake job. […]
Did You Know: The Fastest Way to Get an Auto Repair Estimate
Needing car repair can be a pain. In addition to the cost, and your vehicle’s downtime, you’re unsure what you should be paying for the service. Good news: you can […]
Meet Howard, Who Followed Lifehacker’s Advice on Car Repairs
Per Lifehacker, “Comparison shopping for car repairs is hard when you can’t actually drag your car from one shop to another. Openbay helps solve this…” Howard followed Lifehacker’s advice on […]
Marketing Strategies for Auto Repair Shops: Blogging, Social & Co-Marketing Tips
Hubspot, the ‘inbound marketing’ company in Boston, recently hosted its massive INBOUND conference here in Boston. We joined, with an eye toward learning some useful marketing strategies for […]
Pre-Holiday Road-Trip Checklist
This year, AAA predicts nearly 49 million Americans will travel more than 50 miles to celebrate Thanksgiving, with 89% of those planning to drive. Before you head out, here’s […]