Openbay Blog - helping you with automotive repair, maintenance, and car care tips.

Openbay Overdrive Ranked within 100 Top Auto Blogs

Exciting news: Feedspot listed Openbay Overdrive on their “Top 100 Auto Blogs Every Enthusiast Must Read” list. We’re thrilled to be honored! Openbay is in great company, alongside the likes of Motor Trend, Car and Driver, Automobile and Car Talk.
For the uninitiated, Feedspot is an RSS feed, where readers can subscribe to their favorite blogs, and read them all there in one spot. Openbay is an online marketplace for consumers to compare, book and pay for auto-repair and maintenance services, and our blog, Openbay Overdrive, supports that mission. We have hundreds of articles focused on owning and caring for your vehicle. So if you have a car, and would appreciate some tips on how to take care of your car, we hope you’ll check out the Openbay blog, ranked among the top auto blogs.

Here are a few of our favorite posts —

  • 5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Bring Your Own Parts to a Mechanic

    Sure, in the short term, you might save a few bucks if you purchase your vehicle parts and bring them to a mechanic. But in the long term, it’s a pain and doesn’t make sense. We’ll show you why.

  • 100,000-mile service: What’s the Cost?

    The average car on U.S. roads is nearly 12-years old, and needs regular service to keep plugging along. Here’s a sense of what a 100,000-mile service entails, and what it might cost you.

  • What’s the Cost to Replace a Tire?

    Over the years, about 75% of drivers will experience a flat tire. Here’s what you can expect your tire replacement to cost.

  • Things You Shouldn’t Say to a Mechanic

    You’re ready to bring your vehicle in for service, but maybe you aren’t aware of the appropriate protocol. Check out the feedback we’d gathered from mechanics and service providers, so you don’t run afoul of these unspoken rules. Consider this guide like Emily Post for auto mechanics!

Thanks to all Openbay Overdrive readers, and if there’s any car-care topic you’d like us to cover, please get in touch via
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