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Did You Know: Openbay Delivers Multiple Auto Repair Quotes

Looking for an Online Car Repair Quote?

Look no further. Did you know Openbay’s web and mobile app delivers consumers with about four auto-repair quotes per service request? It happens at lightning speed, compared to the odl alternative, as (painfully) outlined below.

The Old Way

When your vehicle is in need of repair or maintenance, odds are you’ll search online for a quality repair shop that can complete the job. According to Google (in 2013), 43% of drivers search online for a service center when it’s time for repair and maintenance. By now, that number is surely higher. But when you actually want to book the auto repair, there’s more to it.
Let’s assume you know what’s wrong with your car, and that you have a good sense of what needs to be repaired. Your work isn’t yet done! Here’s a sample of how searching for a quote from an auto repair shop might look, if one weren’t using Openbay.

  1. Search for “auto repair near me”

  2. Look at a shop’s web page

  3. Check out the shop’s reviews on Google + and Yelp, maybe check Better Business Bureau

  4. Call the shop to ask for a quote

    This might involve waiting while the phone rings excessively. Can’t blame ’em — many repair shops have a small staff. The same people working on the cars are working the phones.

  5. While on the phone, you’ll have to provide your VIN#.

    Maybe they’ll have to look up the parts costs and call you back. Or maybe it’s not a good time. Just in case, let’s factor in…

  6. One more phone call.

  7. Now, let’s assume you have your quote.

    But wait — is that a good price? Tell them you’ll call them back to book.

  8. Head online again, repeat above seven steps with 3 other shops.

    You’ve now completed 28 steps.

  9. Time to decide.

    Now that you have four shops’ quotes, you feel a little better about making a decision and booking the service.

  10. Call the shop you’ve chosen to book an appointment.

    If it’s after hours, you’ll need to call back, but we’ll assume they’re open.

The Openbay Way

We can all admit that process was a huge, time-consuming hassle. Now, here’s the process of obtaining auto-repair quotes with Openbay.

  1. Enter your service on the Openbay app or website.

    You can enter a particular service, or a general diagnosis. Rather go for scheduled maintenance, based on your manufacturer’s recommendation? We’ll tell you exactly what that service entails.

  2. Do whatever you’d like!

    You’ll get quotes instantly, or within a couple hours, depending on the service. So, grab a drink with friends, talk a walk, go to the gym, while we do the work for you.

  3. Check your dashboard — voila!

    You have received four quotes from local auto-repair shops. All the info you need to compare them is there:

    1. Location – distance from you, and on a map.
    2. Ratings and Reviews – from Openbay users, Yelp, and Google
    3. Prices – including all parts, labor, taxes and any additional fees.
    4. Extras – wi-fi to shuttle service and option for early drop-off.
    5. Hours – for each shop.
    6. Questions? Message any (or all shops – you can copy and paste!) directly via the app or website.
  4. Pick a shop and schedule your appointment.

    All the booking and payment takes place through the app. No need call to schedule, or take out a card at the shop.

Which Do You Think is Better?

Ok, we’re biased. But we think you’ll agree that comparing quotes for auto repair couldn’t be easier when using Openbay. We gather every single thing you need, so you don’t have to waste time on the phone. It’s so simple to get an online car repair quote!
Best of all, if you’re like the average Openbay user, we’ll send you at least four quotes per service request you submit.
If you’re in the process of gather auto repair quotes the old way, stop. Check out Openbay today.

Drive safely!

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