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Meet Michael: Six-Time Openbay User from Atlanta


Here at Openbay, we survey our users after they complete a service request. Michael, in Atlanta, had great things to say, so we got in touch to learn about his experience booking his sixth service with us.

Where do you live and what do you drive?

I live in Atlanta, GA and drive a 2009 Toyota Prius. I bought it new in 2009, and have had it ever since.

How did you find Openbay?

I’m a software engineer, so I’m always looking for new apps and ways to make my life easier. I’d initially seen Openbay on the Product Hunt’s website about a year ago, and the premise seemed really interesting. At the time, my car had recently come off warranty and I hate having to call a mechanic for a quote. So when my car needed work done, this was right up my alley.

How did it go at the shop?

Most recently, I used Kevin’s Mobile Repair, and I’ve booked with him three times through Openbay. I love that he’s a mobile mechanic and comes right to my house; it just eliminates one more step for me. I’ve had routine maintenance services done through him, like drive belts and throttle body cleaning, and this time I had the full 200,000-mile maintenance service done.

What’s your history with maintaining your vehicle?

Honestly, I’m not very well-versed in cars, I’m more of a software guy. In the past, I have felt shops were trying to take advantage of me based on my lack of knowledge with vehicles and they’d always point out something else that was wrong. I don’t have time for that. With Kevin’s Mobile, he was very straightforward and honest about what needed to be repaired and what could wait.

When you first heard about Openbay, what interested you about it?

I’m an early adopter of new technology, to the point where I’d used Uber before it even launched in Atlanta, so I’m always on the hunt for technology that will help save me time and offer value. Openbay does what technology does best — makes life easier. And the Openbay Rewards dollars are like the ultimate coupon. Openbay is as valuable to me as Uber is when I want to get around town.

I also like MyCarFax. But when it’s time for car repairs, Openbay has become just as much of a go to. I’ve given some friends demos to show them how it works, and some of them have even signed up for their own Openbay accounts, which gives us both rewards. When I joined Openbay a year ago, I was booking service via my desktop. The web interface is fantastic — it does a terrific job. And it’s come a long way. In the early days of Openbay, when I’d submit a request the member services team would call to verify the details of what I’d needed. And now I get quotes within minutes of submitting a request — it’s been amazing to watch the speed of the return quotes. I can tell the tech on your end is really improving.

Now that Android app has been released, I’ve been using that. I had complained to your CEO on Twitter, asking him for Android, and now having that has made a difference.

Has Openbay delivered as you had expected?

Yes — Like all new technology and new apps, you put your toe in the water to see if something will work, and from the start Openbay delivered what it promised, which was to make getting my vehicle repaired less of a hassle. Being able to quickly receive quotes and then compare them side-by-side without calling around has certainly made my life easier.

Would you book with the same mechanic again, and if so, would you do it through Openbay?

Yes — I’ve booked with Kevin’s Mobile three times now, and I definitely would again. And yes, I’d book with Openbay again.

You’re doing a great job. I look forward to watching the product continue to grow and advance.

Openbay Staff