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Meet David, He was Frustrated With the Time it Took to Find a High Quality Auto Repair Shop

David spends a lot of time on the road. His car is vital to adequately serve his customers, and it’s where he spends most of his time each day. Unfortunately, the process of getting all the cars in his household repaired was a big drain on his time.
Not anymore! David saved “a significant amount of time” by trying Openbay, and “definitely” will be back again. He’s found a way to simplify car repair!

Where do you live, and what type of vehicle do you drive?

I live in Sharon, MA, and I drive a 2015 Audi Q7.

What do you do for a living?

I am Vice President at Leader Bank. Leader Bank is recognized as a premier lender in Massachusetts and offers a range of products tailored to meet consumer-financing needs.

How did you find Openbay? 

I’ve come across the company a while back while in discussions with friends and decided to give it a try when my 2-year old Audi needed service.

What service did you get for your vehicle?

New brake pads and rotors for all four wheels. I spend a fair amount of time on the road and go through tires and brakes.

Has Openbay delivered, as you had expected?

Yes, fantastic service. After I submitted my request, I received 12 quotes from shops near my office. It was fast and perfect for my needs. I found shops that I didn’t know existed, plus found shops that could service my car.
The shop I selected was 4 miles from my office, had excellent rating and reviews, and it was “Openbay Recommended”. Pricing was great too.

What was the biggest benefit to using Openbay?

Very easy to use. Web site extremely well put together. Like everyone, my time is valuable and I was very impressed with how quickly I could enter the information and receive the quotes for service back right away. Just had to add a few pieces of information to get the quotes I needed for service.

Prior to Openbay, where did you learn about auto-repair shops near you?

Word of mouth, and would occasionally see them during my daily calls to meet customers.

Would you use Openbay again?

Definitely, I am sold on Openbay.

Do you plan to tell your friends and family about Openbay?

Yes, without question. Already have. Some are already using Openbay.

Anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

You will love Openbay. Not only was it easy to use, but also I saved a significant amount of time calling around to multiple shops asking if they can service my vehicle, get pricing information and find out when they can service it.

If you’ve been convinced by David’s story, join Openbay today!

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