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How to Avoid an Expensive Car Repair Bill

Have you ever been surprised by a shockingly expensive car repairs bill? That’s not a position you want to be in. Questions you may ask yourself is, “how did this happen”? Getting hit with a repair bill is most commonly the result of a couple of things;

(1) not maintaining your vehicle according to the manufacturer recommended maintenance schedule,

(2) lack of communication with the shop performing the service.

Here are just a few things that you can do to avoid finding yourself with a large repair bill .

Follow the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule for the vehicle  

In the vehicle’s owner manual you’ll find the recommended maintenance schedule. The schedule describes what to inspect and components to replace at each major mileage interval. Following this guideline will lead to reduced overall operating expenses and potentially eliminating expensive repair bills.

Ask for a diagnostic service 

If the technician you’re communicating with doesn’t know the extent of your vehicle’s problems. And they are unable to give you an accurate estimate – ask for a diagnostic estimate. Some mechanics will offer this service for free. It’s always worth asking! When possible, find out if the mechanic can give you a “worst case scenario” estimate. This gives you an idea of the extent of the financial bill if things don’t go as smoothly.

Get a written price estimate

Getting a written price estimate is a no-brainer. You’d be surprised at how many people automatically assume charges for repair will not be too high to handle. After a diagnosis, the mechanic will likely be able to tell you the cost to expect.

Don’t give the mechanic free rein

Don’t authorize the mechanic to perform any additional work without getting your approval first. Far too many people take the “whatever it takes to fix it” approach. This results in having to fork over hundreds of dollars for something you thought would only run dollars. Make it clear that you want to know the cost of everything ahead of time and prior to any repair. Make yourself available to answer the mechanic’s call if and when it comes.

If you just moved into a new town and having trouble locating a mechanic, give Openbay a try. Openbay is an online marketplace for car repair and service. Within seconds, Openbay delivers upfront pricing from a curated list of shops nearby.

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