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How to Choose an Honest Auto Repair Shop: 3 Tips

The auto repair industry is just like any other. It’s full of honest, hard working people making a living at what they do best. But unfortunately, just like any other business, there are bad apples who make the rest look bad. If you’ve ever been burned by an unscrupulous auto mechanic, you’re probably gun shy every time the need for maintenance or repair arises. But you don’t have to be. Use the following resources to locate the best auto mechanics in your area.

3 Tips to Choosing an Honest Auto Repair Shop

  • Head online for auto repair 

    Search for “auto repair near me,” then look into ratings and reviews for each shop. Be sure to corroborate the reviews by checking with multiple sites.Want to save time searching online and calling multiple businesses? Use Openbay, an online marketplace for auto repair. You can quickly compare shops near you via distance, ratings and reviews. Openbay shows you its users’ reviews, as well as ones from Yelp and Google+. You can then schedule service, all in one place.
    Once the work is complete, Openbay will track services performed, so you’re never left wondering when your last oil change was performed. Who has time to walk out to the car and check the sticker?

  • Ask around for a trustworthy auto repair professional

    With all of this awesome technology at your fingertips, it’s hard to believe that word-of-mouth is still one of the best, most accurate ways of discovering quality auto repair shops in your area. It’s true! If you’re looking for an honest mechanic in your neck of the woods, ask your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers who they’d recommend. Asking sources you know you can trust is a foolproof method of discovering an honest auto repair shop you may never have discovered otherwise.

  • Check with the BBB for reviews on auto repair shops

    Visit the Better Business Bureau and check out a mechanic’s record. You can key in the name and location of an auto mechanic to see if they have any complaints registered against them from past customers. However, not every business in operation is required to register with the BBB. So, you should only employ this method as one part of your overall strategy.

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