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Fun Games to Play During Your Holiday Road Trip

As you prepare for the long road trip, either going to or returning from your holiday destination, your anxiety builds as you strap in the kids and think about ways to keep them occupied during the trip (and away from devices). The kids complaining and whining is sure to start within 30-minutes of the drive. Here are a few games to play as the miles add up.

Road Trip Games – For All Ages

– Play Favorites

If it’s a long, multi-day trip, give each family member the task of deciding what their favorites were for each day you travel. For example, what was your favorite moment? Landmark? Restaurant? If it’s a shorter drive, you can change the game to general favorites, such as favorite ice cream flavors, best movie of all time, etc. You may be surprised at all the cool things you learn about each other.

– I Spy…

I spy with my little eye… something that’s round and blue. This classic car ride game can actually keep kids of all ages entertained for quite a bit. Let everyone take turns, and be creative.

– License Plate Word Game

Find a license plate with letters and create a word from the letters. The more letters the more challenging it is to come up with a word. The first person that comes up with a word from the letters on the plate, scores a point. First one to 21, wins. Then start over.

Road Trip Games – For Kids Old Enough to Read and Write

– Learn a Little (Secretly)

This one is great if you are driving long distances and have kids that are old enough to write. Give each child a map of the area in which you’ll be driving. Everyone gets a marker to note your route as you go, plus a blank notebook in which they can take notes, draw pictures, and write down what they see. You can also find guidebooks about many areas across the United States, so stock up on ones applicable to your travels. If you have another adult in the car, he or she can read aloud, or the kids can take turns reading sections about the area you’re passing through. See who can spot the landmark or item mentioned in the guidebook first!

– The Name (or Noun) Game

Everyone can join in for this memory game! Pay close attention and test your own memory. To start, one person calls out the first letter of the alphabet and assigns a noun to it (person, thing, place or idea). For example, “A is for “Alligator”. The next person must repeat what the previous person said, “A is for Alligator” and then start with the next letter of the alphabet, “and B is for Butter”. The following person must say what the previous persons said and then continue with the next letter and so on. When you get to the last letter of the alphabet, “Z”, that person will have the big challenge of reciting all the previous letters and nouns. It’s fun, it tests everyone’s memory, and before you know it, you’ll be at your destination.

Road Trip Games – For the Teens

– Sing-Along

It’s an obvious one, but can definitely help to reinvigorate as the trip goes on, and people start to get grumpy. If you don’t have a Spotify account, make sure to have a smartphone with everyone’s favorite songs on a playlist. See who can sing each song the best, loudest, funniest, whatever your family’s musical talent lends itself to. Your teenagers may complain at first, but they might just have to acknowledge that Eric Clapton or Inxs is cool after all. And you may find that a new appreciation for some of the popular teen music out there. Long road trips can be difficult, no doubt about it. But if you prepare ahead of time with some fun games, you all might enjoy the whole trip more than you think.

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