Here at Openbay, we survey every member who completes a vehicle service. We’re always curious to know what went well, what they really loved, and what we can do to improve our user experience. We followed up with Precia C., who lives in Atlanta, to find out how her first time using Openbay went, how she found us, and whether she’d use the mechanic and/or us again, and why.
How did you hear about Openbay?
A friend working at North American Porsche headquarters, Atlanta, who’s constantly testing the latest technology and telling friends about his latest finds. He’d run across Openbay, so when he’d heard that my older vehicle needed repairs, he’d referred me to Openbay.
Did you use Openbay on the web or the mobile app?
Initially I booked over the web and later interacted only with the app for communication between Openbay employees and the selected mechanics.

What was wrong with your car?
I booked a general diagnosis.
I described the symptoms, and the mechanic knew right away – he said, “It’s this,” and he was right.
It turns out that the bushing bearings are wearing out. I drive a stick, and when I shift, at some points (say if I’m on interstate about to exit, sometimes I’ll just throw it in neutral), it sounds like it’s trying to shift into second.
How’d you pick your provider?
Actually, first I’d chosen one that was only three miles from my home, but the scheduling didn’t work, so I cancelled the request.
Then, Erin called from Openbay, and said, “I have another provider that may fit you better,” and she got me booked with a mobile mechanic. They’re two guys who were very knowledgeable. And they rebuild drag cars on the side.
Studying mechanical engineering, my understanding of cars is good. I know when I’m getting patronized. When I met with the guys from Mobile Mechanic Atlanta, that didn’t happen. They were gentlemen who treated me with the same respect they would treat family.
How’d you choose them?
They didn’t patronize me. The industry does that often. They made me feel comfortable, like a doctor with a good bedside manner. This was Mobile Mechanic Atlanta’s first interaction with Openbay. So they wanted to see the whole process, and it went well for both sides.

Would you use Mobile Mechanic Atlanta again?
In an instant. When I save my pennies, I will go to these mechanics to get the service done.
Would you book through Openbay?
Oh yes. I like the ability to keep track of all the vehicle services performed. And, by submitting a review, I like that these mechanics’ repair-business reputation will grow.

Would you recommend Openbay to a friend?
I would. I already have. To two of my cycling club members.
What do you like best about Openbay?
I like the intuitive app interface. Communication is easy. Also, it was very surreal, getting a call from someone at an online service. At first I wasn’t used to interacting with people, but once used to it, it felt like a concierge service.
Precia, we’re glad to know your experience was a good one, and we look forward to working with you again soon. Please thank your Porsche pal for us! And to Mobile Mechanic Atlanta, welcome to the Openbay network. Nothing makes us happier than knowing our vehicle owners are in great hands, so thank you for providing an outstanding experience.
If you’re a vehicle owner who hasn’t tried Openbay, keep our info in your back pocket for the next time your vehicle needs repair or maintenance. Better yet, you can actually keep us in your back pocket if you download the Openbay app, named a “10 Best Smartphone App for Your Car” by Men’s Journal.
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