The winter months bring many joyful things: the holidays, skiing, warm and snuggly clothing, hot cocoa by the fireplace, and icy windshields on your car. Okay, that last […]
How to Winterize Your Car Battery
The “Polar Vortex” buzzwords are making headlines this week as temps plunge across the country. Winter’s always tough on cars, and among the parts most susceptible to cold […]
What to Look for When Reviewing a Car Repair Estimate
Unless you enjoy turning a wrench, car repair and maintenance is a necessary evil. Car repair estimates always seem so unfair and often include repairs that didn’t really seem […]
The Most Expensive Car Repairs and How Can You Avoid Them
What better incentive to stay up on your car’s regularly scheduled maintenance than the possibility of having to pay through the nose for a costly repair? If you’re the kind […]
(Breakdown on) The Night Before Christmas
‘Twas the night before Christmas And all through the house Was grunting and frustration from Mrs. Clause’s spouse Nervous and worried, Santa would sweat and toil Fixing his […]
5 Most Common Non-Moving Violations
We know, we know, you’re a great driver. You almost never get pulled over for speeding, right? Well, guess what – speeding isn’t the only reason why you […]